Sunday, April 10, 2011

Challenging Times

Living life is not easy. STOP!  There is no need to call 911.  If you are anything like me you prefer plans, lists, and routine and are slightly thrown off by chaos.  At the top of my "Most Annoying List" is when my routine is routinely interrupted.  Change is evolutionary and I am open to change.  In fact - I embrace change.  I love change - bring it on.  Have I confused you yet?  How can I love change yet hate to have my routine interrupted?  Well, I have no answer at the present time.  Maybe when I get to the end of my rambling thought I will have it figured out. 

I have been dedicated to training to become a 5K runner.  My first run is May 9th and the second run I have committed to is a week later in Binghampton. My training began January 2, 2011.  I quickly established my routine - 5 times a week with Sundays and Wednesdays off.  Things were going great.  My body was toning, the apple-fritter baby weight was coming off, and my pre-pregger clothes were coming out of the trunk.  Then hits the severe upper respiratory infection and I have not been the same since.  It is amazing how long it takes the body to recover from being sick.  I have not able to return to my training at the same level and have been falling back ever since.

There have been other obstacles as well that have hindered my routine in the gym - children getting sick, emergency room trips, traffic court appearances (not mine!), broken vehicles, work related events....the list goes on and on.  The first thing I tell people who are beginning to establish a gym routine is that your routine must be realistic. Wake up Abby!  Five days per week at the gym is probably not a realistic expectation at this point.  So, the question becomes what is realistic?  The only answer I have right now is more than zero days and less than five days.

I know of no training routine that has not been interrupted - ever.  Life happens. Change is inevitable.  Routines are disrupted.  When this happens, and it will, there are two things that you need to remind yourself.  One, quickly re-establish a new routine. Two, you must make time for yourself.  I know it is difficult, but learn from my mistake- if you do not do #1, you will not have #2. 

Time for yourself is a FUNDAMENTAL NEED in living a healthy lifestyle.  Truthfully, I have not done this in weeks and it is affecting me...and not in a good way.  When we take time for ourselves, which is rare as mothers, we are better mothers.  I firmly believe this. 

Activity Time:  
Answer the following questions:  Have I compromised my commitment to myself and as a result allowed my fitness routine to suffer....OR......Have I compromised my fitness routine and in return allowed my commitment to myself suffer? 

Either way - your commitment to yourself has been compromised.  Get your calendar and pick a day to recommit to yourself.  TODAY would be a great day to chose to start. 
 Question: "How can I love change yet hate to have my routine interrupted?"
 Answer:  Change, with respect for the commitment to self, is part of routine.


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