Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shrinking Feet

I am 8 weeks post surgery and down 46 pounds.  I have to keep telling myself this over and over again.  I don't know if it is because it seems like a lifetime ago since I had surgery or because I still cannot believe I actually went through with it.  My walnut is healing well and I am concluding the recovery diet and moving back onto a standard healthy diet.  This is welcomed news and there is so much to celebrate.


1.  Seriously, my feet have lost weight.  I ran out of my sneakers playing kickball. I almost face planted in a very animated way infront of both teams.  Thank god I recovered.

2.  I dove for third.  Yes, I dove for third base like a freaking champion!  In midair I thought, "Oh shit, my walnut!"  I laid still for what seemed forever before I realized I did not crack the nut.

3.  My underwear no longer requires a zipcode of its own.  I can now claim to wear panties as my drawers no longer span the state of Texas. 

4.   I look HOT in my new green dress.  This would indicate an increase in self esteem

5.  I have given almost all of my clothing away. 

6.  I weigh less than my husband. 

7.  TRUNKLE: (mungerism) physical state wherein the leg also forms the ankle mimicking a tree trunk. THIS TERM CAN BE RETIRED!  I HAVE ANKLES!!!!!

It feels amazing to celebrate. There has really only been one upsetting event to report.  As my four year old gazed into my eyes the other night he shared with me that he was scared because I was changing and no longer looked the same.  He told me that he missed my big belly.  It never enter my consciousness that my weight loss would have an emotional impact on him.  He saw me lose over 100 pounds before, granted he was one.  I explained to him that I was still the same on the inside and showed him pictures of when I weighed over 300 pounds.  It blows my mind though that my son took comfort in my weight. 

Ever since I was diagnosed with the NAR liver disease it has remained my priority to stay physically active and to teach my children healthy and positive choices.  Noah's confession to me has given me yet another opprotunity to teach and show both him and Lilly about the power of being healthy and what is allows one to do. I am living my montra. 



  1. I loved reading this blog Abby. You have a wonderful voice.
    I have given a lot of thought to how my changes (weight and life) will affect my son. My 10 year old is what others call chunky. To make a long story short, he has some body image issues. I put my "spoon" down the night I was sitting up late and eating potato chips from a party bag, and I looked up and saw my son (then 9yrs) go to get his own bag of party chips. I was teaching him some horrible things, so I'm hoping that we will both have some breakthroughs in this journey.
    Keep writing about yours. They are very enjoyable.

  2. Congratulations, Abby! You are right- you have a lot to celebrate. As parents, one of the most valuable things we can teach our kids is how to be healthy. Noah may think that he misses the "old you" now, but as he gets older, he'll realize what a gift you have given him.

  3. You are on an exciting journey Abby, and an inspiration to many!

  4. I can confirm she came out of her shoes yesterday, and the dive back to third was the most exciting play of the whole kickball season
